Personalized online learning for English literacy success


Learn how Boost helps students develop a solid foundation in English literacy, including all the key concepts at the core of the Science of Reading—phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension—as well as speaking and writing skills.

Then see how Boost connects data to instruction so teachers can easily identify literacy gaps, differentiate instruction, and increase student achievement!

Systematic Explicit Instruction

The Standards

Not all students learn at the same rate. Boost helps teachers measure progress throughout the year and differentiate instruction to meet student needs and help them master the standards, one step at a time.

Boost standards chart

Phonics Curriculum and Activities

Teacher's Guide

Boost Phonics provides systematic, explicit instruction of phonics and phonological awareness skills following the principles of Science of Reading.

  • Hundreds of printable activities, manipulative materials, instructional videos, and online gamified practice are aligned with reading foundation standards and focused on letter-sound correspondence, phoneme manipulation, blending and segmentation.
  • The sequence and instruction of high-frequency words corresponds with the phonics approach.
  • Online individualized assessments provide detailed data for each foundational skill.
Video Thumbnail

Ff Sound

Video Thumbnail

Writing the Letter F

Oral, Reading, and Writing Curriculum and Activities


Interpersonal Oral Curriculum and Activities

Our English interpersonal communication program offers a standards-based scope and sequence supported with video lessons, classroom activities, and interactive games. (Available Fall 2023)

At the Store

Reading Curriculum and Activities

Boost takes each reading standard and splits it into smaller strands and progression levels. This results in highly actionable teaching points. Books, mini-lessons, and quizzes support reading practice and instruction.

Writing curriculum

Writing Curriculum and Activities

The writing modules support differentiated instruction and guided and independent practice with video mini-lessons, checklists, graphic organizers, writing prompts that integrate books in the reading module, and mastery-based assessments for three types of writing. (Available Spring 2024)

Guided and Independent
Data-driven Practice

With the data, you can readily identify your students' literacy gaps. Our learning modules then help you to connect that data to standards-based instruction and practice that meets each student's needs. Our learning resources support differentiation through whole class and small group instruction, as well as individual practice.

Child on an iPad
Game screenshot

The Games

Boost offers interpersonal oral games and phonics games for students to build their vocabulary and their literacy and oral fluency skills. Also, students earn coin rewards when they complete their learning activities and then use the coins to shop in the store to decorate their avatars.

The books for Boost

The Books

In the reading learning module, teachers can search by level and standard, and assign from hundreds of titles, including books and multi-leveled readers addressing social studies and science standards. Teachers are able to assign learning resources as schoolwork or homework and track student work. Students read and/or listen to the books before they answer questions to practice the standard the teacher just taught.

A screenshot of a quiz

The Quizzes

Each book is paired with a quiz that practices specific standards at the right level.

Mini-lesson video

The Mini-Lessons

For each domain-specific standard, Boost provides a mini-lesson video, lesson script, and activities.

Progress Monitoring

Assessments provide the data teachers need to track student progress and support instruction.

Student with teacher
Teacher Dashboard

The teacher dashboard provides quick access to the online assessments and the learning modules.

Assessment Types

Boost offers Language, Reading Comprehension and Fluency (running record), Writing, and Interpersonal Oral Assessments. Each question or prompt is written to assess a student’s mastery of a specific standard and sub-strand. This detailed data helps teachers plan instruction.

Teacher Assessment Chart

Language and Reading Comprehension assessments are all auto graded to save teachers time. Once students submit the assessment, the teacher dashboard will change color to reflect students' mastery of different levels and different areas.

The Data

Boost connects data to instruction and practice. Color-coded graphs tell teachers about students’ progress towards mastering the standards.

Color-coded graphs screenshot from video
Teacher Chart Assessment Result

Teacher Data View
Purple means not mastered. Green means mastered. This way, teachers can quickly see where students did well on the standards within each level and where they are struggling. Then teachers can plan instruction around a particular skill.

Assessment data chart

Administrator Data View
The administrator’s view shows growth per class and per grade and can show growth of cohorts through the years.

Student progress report

Student/Family View
The Student Progress Report shows the student’s status, target, and progress towards that target. It is perfect for teachers to share during parent-teacher conferences.