


Comunicación y Cultura

Where Communication and Culture Meet

Encuentros cover

Encuentros ©2026: More Engaging and Effective Than Ever!

Middle and high school students join the adventure and learn Spanish as they travel to fascinating places in the Spanish-speaking world. Encuentros builds intercultural communicative proficiency through a fully integrated graphic novel storyline and highly motivating, communicative, skill-oriented instruction and practice.

New to This Edition

Building on the success of the 2022 edition, Encuentros 2026 introduces new levels, components, media & technology and more:

  • New Level 4: Updated authentic content throughout–now available with four levels for High School! The new Level 4 includes all the features you love about Encuentros, sequential to previous levels, and includes extra prep for AP®.
  • Supersite and Prime: Supersite grants access to all textbook content in robust, interactive digital format, while PRIME introduces additional, enhanced features designed for digital-first classrooms, including new AI-Assisted Feedback feature.
  • Focus on Comprehensible Input and Language Acquisition: Encuentros is now more adaptable to a wide range of teaching styles, providing increased support for CI and acquisition-driven instruction strategies.
  • Un chin de… Video Series: The same video bloggers you love in Un chin de..., now with more prominence in the text and more interpretive communication practice.
  • CI Readers: Levels 1–3 now have two new culturally relevant readers per level, with student activities and teachers’ guides for seamless lesson integration.
Encuentros cover

Now available with Companion Comprehensible Input (CI) Readers!

Two new CI readers per level (for Levels 1, 2, 3) feature culturally relevant and engaging topics aligned to student proficiency levels. These readers also include comprehension activities and teacher guides for seamless integration into lessons.


Todo junto

Using Encuentros in your CI and ADI classroom

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