Protagonistas Cover




Primer curso de lengua española

Hallmark feautures of Protagonistas

Protagonistas, Third Edition, takes a unique approach to beginning Spanish and is explicitly driven by the goal of cultivating students’ intercultural communication skills. Each lesson introduces students to a protagonista, an individual from the Spanish-speaking world, who is the basis for exploring aspects of culture and daily life, all the while modeling language.

This fresh approach imparts cultural and linguistic information to students not as ends in and of themselves, but as the means to an end: communication. Because of its immediacy, relevance, and authenticity, the Protagonistas' approach keeps the goal of intercultural communicative competence in clear view.

Vista Higher Learning

Live Language

Your Partner in Language Learning

At Vista Higher Learning, our mission is to raise the level of teaching and learning of languages to a new level. Our singular focus for the past 20 years has been on creating the highest-quality, integrated print and digital solutions that meet the needs of all language learners—from those learning a new language, improving a second language, or perfecting their native language. We remain dedicated to publishing research-based, groundbreaking digital and print materials that inspire and empower language educators and students to face the challenges of the 21st century.

Learn More about Protagonistas