Video program
Sofía sale a la calle
Following the backward design principle, each chapter begins with an interview from Sofía sale a la calle, our fully integrated video program with NEW and revised activities to better introduce the topic of the chapter.
Student Portfolio
The new Student Portfolio is an integrated digital tool that allows students to curate a collection of work showcasing their language learning progress, growth, and achievements over time. These collections illustrate the student’s experience and the products of their learning, becoming meaningful through reflection, which facilitates students' understanding of their learning and what they can do with the language.

Video Program:
Sofía sale a la calle
In her unscripted interviews, Sofía speaks with a variety of native speakers, who share their unique perspectives on cultural topics related to the chapters. This compelling content and comprehensible input not only expose students to the grammar and vocabulary of the chapter, they also guide students in interpreting a diversity of viewpoints.

New Authentic Video:
Intercambiemos perspectivas
Experiencias Intermediate features twelve NEW authentic videos made by Spanish speakers for Spanish speakers. Intercambiemos perspectivas videos support the chapter themes and promote meaningful communication by helping students develop intercultural awareness. Students are challenged to reflect critically on the underlying elements that comprise the values and perspectives of a cultural community.

New Learning Objectives and Can-Do Statements
Included in each section of the chapter, NEW, clearly stated Learning Objectives and Can-Do Statements ensure a transparent and effective learning process. To reflect the improved sequence and backward design principles of the program, these Learning Objectives and activities progress from interpretive to presentational and target the three modes of communication. Students can check their understanding, remind themselves which goals they achieved, and identify any areas where they may need further review and practice.

New Contemporary and Culturally Rich Content
In Experiencias Intermediate, students examine the products, practices, and perspectives of the many diverse, vibrant, and dynamic communities that make up the Spanish-speaking world, all while developing proficiency and cultural awareness. The NEW culture section, Panorama actual, highlights relevant worldwide data related to the chapter theme and serves as a springboard for students to analyze and interpret information through a global lens. The inquiry-based approach is designed to spark students’ curiosity, guide their research, and foster a broader understanding of the culture and countries they are studying.

New Assignable Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs)
New assignable IPAs use authentic cultural content complete with new editable rubric grading and video upload. These assessments measure student progress toward proficiency in the three modes of communication: Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational.

New Authentic, Engaging, and Meaningful Projects with Real-World Tasks
New to this edition, two culminating projects at the end of each chapter prompt students to answer the guiding question via an oral task encouraging them to produce new language independently and creatively. The second task via Experiencias profesionales, students work progressively on career readiness by exploring the application of Spanish in their own field of study and future career. The accompanying online editable project rubrics make assessment simple for instructors using all course modalities.

Digital Innovation
Experiencias Intermediate deepens and enhances the student learning experience with its progression of interactive instructional activities and groundbreaking language learning technology available in the Supersite.
- New Partner and Group Chats give students the opportunity to speak outside the classroom and offer the opportunity for instructors to offer multimodality courses fully online.
- New podcasts, connected thematically with the chapter, review the vocabulary and grammar through multi-stepped activities.
- New mini online review modules provide students with additional support at the beginning of each semester through review of vocabulary and grammar with new practice activities.
These unique digital tools are designed to keep students engaged and motivated every step of the way, while offering instructors new ways to expand their course offering.