No two students, teachers, or classrooms are the same. At Vista Higher Learning, we recognize this and provide technology options that work for today and can grow with you for years to come. Whether your class is 100% digital or you only use technology to access teaching tools and resources, we can provide solutions that fit any curriculum or infrastructure.
Everything the Supersite offers, plus:
SENDEROS provides plenty of practice, communication tools, engaging media, and a safe environment for students to learn.
Video Virtual Chats
Students create simulated conversations by responding to questions delivered by video recordings of native speakers.
News and Cultural Updates
Access monthly links to carefully curated authentic resources from across the Spanish-speaking world—from online newspaper articles to TV news segments. Each selection includes a scaffolded activity sequence leveled for built-in differentiation.
Grammar Tutorials
Grammar tutorials feature guided instruction to keep students on track and ensure comprehension. El profesor provides a humorous, engaging, and relatable approach to grammar instruction. Interactive tutorials with quick checks are available with PRIME.
Group Chats
Small groups of students work synchronously to record a conversation in the target language (available in PRIME).
Vocabulary Tutorials
Vocabulary tutorials feature a cyclical learning sequence that optimizes comprehension and retention—Listen & repeat, Match, Say it. Audio hints and cognate/false cognate icons help students understand and remember new vocabulary (PRIME only).
Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition embedded in the vocabulary tutorials, pronunciation tutorials, and Fotonovela identifies student utterances in real time and objectively determines whether they know the word. This innovative technology increases student awareness of pronunciation through low-stakes production practice (PRIME only)
The student site provides:
Time-saving tools, powerful course management, assessment solutions, and enhanced support.
Time-saving tools
We’ve done the heavy lifting for you by providing everything you need to plan, prepare, teach, and assess.
Powerful course management
Monitor student progress, communicate securely with students, and track and report on student effort and outcomes.
Expand your testing possibilities with the new Assessment Builder
This vhlcentral feature makes it fast and easy to customize online tests and exams. Learn how to create your own questions from scratch or leverage any existing quiz, test, or exam content from any lesson within the same program, or quickly create/edit assessments by using our question banks. Assessment Builder provides the versatility you need with the time-saving and reliable technology you deserve.
Enhanced support
Get all the support and guidance you need—from face-to-face presentations and on-demand webinars, to instructional videos on a variety of topics.
Make grading even easier with AI-Assisted Feedback
AI-Assisted Feedback is an innovative tool designed to maximize efficiency and enhance student learning by providing instructors with an easy way to share thoughtful, engaging feedback on open-ended and composition activities. Grading will take less time and instructors can spend more time on other tasks. Teachers are in the driver's seat at all times—choose to accept AI suggestions or opt to make your own recommendations.
Share My Content
With the Share My Content feature, updating, creating, and sharing activities created by you with other teachers in your school has never been easier. Flexible content creation allows you to share teacher-created activities to be moved to a different lesson or strand by editing the content. Finding shared content is easy with filters in the new Shared Content Library.