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Español sin barreras

Welcome to Sueña – a Intermediate Spanish program designed to provide students with an active and rewarding learning experience

Bienvenidos a Sueña

Sueña helps students strengthen their language skills and develop a cultural competency by using an interactive, communicative approach. It focuses on real communication in meaningful contexts to develop and consolidate students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Sueña features a fresh, magazine-like design that engages students while integrating thematic, cultural, and grammatical concepts within every section of the text.

The hallmark features of Sueña

  • Authentic short films by award-winning Hispanic filmmakers and a wide range of pre- and post-viewing activities
  • Dramatic photos and thought-provoking discussion questions
  • Real-life, practical vocabulary related to the lesson theme followed by directed and communicative activities
  • Rich, contemporary cultural presentations, including Flash cultura video and TV clips
  • Clear, comprehensive grammar explanations followed by thematically and culturally relevant activities
  • Manual de gramática supplemental grammar explanations and practice for every lesson at the back of the book
  • Authentic literary selections including poems and short stories
Vista Higher Learning

Live Language

Your Partner in Language Learning

At Vista Higher Learning, our mission is to raise the level of teaching and learning of languages to a new level. Our singular focus for the past 20 years has been on creating the highest-quality, integrated print and digital solutions that meet the needs of all language learners—from those learning a new language, improving a second language, or perfecting their native language. We remain dedicated to publishing research-based, groundbreaking digital and print materials that inspire and empower language educators and students to face the challenges of the 21st century.

Learn More about Sueña