Aproximaciones is designed to teach students basic skills in literary analysis through a variety of exercises and Spanish and Spanish-American literature.
"The key to all approaches of literary study and criticism is the close reading of texts. The authors provide access to the tools of analysis as a lead-in to further more advanced study of literature and culture."
Dr. Edward Friedman, Author
Aproximaciones, 8th Edition
"Aproximaciones is the most thorough compilation of literature in the Spanish language. Punto final."
Oscar Sendon, Professor
Truman State University
New short stories, El trote de siempre by Carmen Naranjo (Costa Rica) and Dos palabras by Isabel Allende (Chile).
Naranjo presents the interplay of reality and fiction in the age of radio, while Allende finds a fascinating and surprising way to introduce the basics (and the mysteries) of language.
Three new poets: Adela Zamudio (Bolivia), Nicanor Parra (Chile), and Elizabeth Acevedo (U.S./Dominican Republic). Zamudio, born in the mid-nineteenth century, argues brilliantly—in Nacer hombre—for the rights of women.
Parra takes pride in calling his works anti-poetry. Acevedo looks ingeniously and forcefully at questions of identity in contemporary society. One of her poems, Afro-Latina, employs code-switching between Spanish and English, a common convention in Latinx writing.
The section on drama features a new one-act play by Juan Mayorga (Spain) that makes a unique statement on the theme of identity.
A new essay Tres héroes by José Martí (Cuba) praises, in deeply expressed sentiments, the accomplishments of the protagonists of the Independence movement in Latin America.
This virtual, interactive student edition provides students with a digital text, plus interactive links to all Supersite activities and media.
All literary readings are audio recorded by native talent. The audio is accessible via the vtext and includes a synching function that highlights each sentence or paragraph as the audio plays.
The Supersite allows you to contribute materials you’ve used offline, or create new activities and assessments to make the course your own. Video-based activities, partner chat activities, or composition exercises can be added wherever you prefer. Using the new Assessment Builder you can craft quizzes, tests, and exams to your preference, or modify pre-built assessments from the program.
With the Supersite, students have hundreds of program-specific, thematically-based, and carefully-scaffolded practice activities right at their fingertips.
«El Otro Yo»
«La rana que quería ser una Rana auténtica»
«El mono que quiso ser escritor satírico»
«Romance del conde Arnaldos»
«Soneto XXIII»
«Nada te turbe»
«Noche oscura»
«Soneto CLXVI»
«Represéntase la brevedad de lo que se vive y cuán nada parece lo que se vivió»
«A una rosa»
«A Él»
«Rima LIII»
«La ciega»
«Nocturno III»
«Canción de otoño en primavera»
«La saeta»
«Vino, primero, pura»
«Yo no tengo soledad»
«El momento más grave de la vida»
«La capilla aldeana» (fragmento)
«Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla»
«El gallo»
«Oda al tomate»
«Mis mejores poemas»
«Ciudad cero»
«Mujer Negra»
* = Permissions pending for this reading