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An interactive, proficiency-oriented approach to the teaching of German language and culture.

Award-Winning Short Films Bring Language and Culture to Life

Compelling short films let students see and hear German in its authentic contexts. Films are thematically linked to the lessons.

  • Szenen Video stills with captions from the film prepare students for the film and introduce some of the expressions they will encounter.
  • Kulturanmerkung These sidebars with cultural information related to the Kurzfilm help students understand the cultural context and background surrounding the film.
  • Vorbereitung Pre-viewing activities set the stage for the film by providing vocabulary support, background information, and opportunities to anticipate the film content.
  • Analyse Post-viewing activities check comprehension and allow students to explore broader themes from the film in relation to their own lives.
Region-Specific Readings in Real-Life Contexts

Region-Specific Readings in Real-Life Contexts

Dynamic readings draw students’ attention to culturally significant products, practices, and perspectives of the German-speaking world.

  • The activities check comprehension of the Stellen Sie sich vor, readings and lead students to further exploration.
  • Audio-sync technology for the main and Entdeckungsreise readings highlights text as it is being read.
  • Galerie profiles with dramatic images and brief descriptions provide a synopsis of the featured person’s life and cultural importance. Colorful photos depict the person’s portrait and showcase their creations.
  • Analyse activities check students’ comprehension of the readings and lead them to further exploration.

Contextualized Grammar and Meaningful Practice for Today’s German Classroom

Key intermediate grammar topics with detailed visual support and plenty of open-ended practice activities.

Contextualized Grammar and Meaningful Practice for Today’s German Classroom
  • Integration of Kurzfilm Photos with quotes or captions from the lesson’s short film show the new grammar structures in meaningful contexts. The colorful, easy-to-understand charts and diagrams highlight key grammar structures and related vocabulary.
  • Grammar explanations are written in clear, easy-to-understand language for reference both in and out of class.
    • The Achtung! sidebars expand on the current grammar point and call attention to possible sources of confusion.
    • Querverweis sidebars reference relevant grammar points actively presented in Strukturen.
  • Anwendung Discrete activities support your students as they begin working with the grammar structures, helping them master the forms they need for personalized communication.
    • Kommunikation Open-ended communicative activities help students internalize the grammar point in a range of contexts involving pair and group work.
    • Kulturanmerkung These sidebars explain cultural references embedded in activities and expand the cultural content of each lesson.
Culture and Literature for the Twenty-First Century Classroom

Culture and Literature for the Twenty-First Century Classroom

Denk-mal! features dynamic cultural readings and literature from German-speaking writers for an authentic cross-cultural experience.

  • Readings Brief Comprehensible readings present additional cultural information related to the lesson theme. These readings are carefully laid out with line numbers, marginal glosses, and box features to help make each piece easy to navigate. Dynamic photos visually illustrate the readings.
  • Literatur Comprehensible and compelling, these readings present new avenues for using the lesson’s grammar and vocabulary. Each reading is presented in the attention-grabbing visual style you would expect from a magazine, along with glosses of unfamiliar words.