Engage with Literature and Content
Empower and support all learners as they prepare for college and career success!
The Engage print resources and the personalized digital solution are designed to support students every step of the way as they develop their academic language and literacy skills.

Unit Introduction
- An Essential Question introduces the unit’s central concept.
- What You Bring and From Your Perspective activities address students’ self-awareness and activate their prior knowledge.
- In This Unit introduces learning outcomes.

Engage with the Theme Video
An Engage with the Theme video introduces a group of young people talking about the theme.
Vocabulary and Reading Skills
Before You Read
- An introduction to the reading activates prior knowledge and builds background.
- Key words from the reading are introduced and practiced.
- The recurring Note It! feature helps students prepare for the end-of-unit Writing.
- A Reading Strategy supports reading comprehension.
- Key Academic Vocabulary words help students comprehend and discuss text across different subject areas.
- Skill lessons provide students with the analysis tools for evidence-based discussions.

Vocabulary Tutorials and Virtual Chats
- Vocabulary Tutorials provide practice and reinforcement.
- Video Virtual Chats encourage students to develop listening and speaking skills.
Engage with Reading
- Students prepare for the reading by meeting the author and previewing the text.
- Students then engage with a variety of literary and informational readings—both canonical texts and texts by new voices.
- Systematic Inspect the Text questions provide ongoing evaluation. Study Group video provides a model of students engaged in an academic discussion of the reading selection.

Book Trailer and Video Chat
- A Book Trailer sparks students’ interest in the reading.
- A Video Chat allows them to react to the trailer along with a virtual student.
- Students follow along with an audio recording of the text. The recording provides a model for pronunciation and fluency.
After You Read
- Rate the Reading and Summarize and Synthesize sections support reading comprehension and critical thinking.
- Study Group discussion encourages students to express their own evidence-based ideas about the text.
- Analyze the Reading asks text‑specific and text-dependent questions that build to discussions and a writing task.

Study Group Video
- A Study Group video provides a model of students engaged in an academic discussion of the reading selection.
Engage with Listening and Speaking
- A listening passage relates the theme to students’ identity and experiences and provides opportunities for the development of listening and presentation skills.
- The listening passages are available online.

Engage with Media

- Students learn to view media through a critical lens.
- Students watch an authentic short film.
Engage with Grammar
- Each unit presents two grammar points and provides explicit grammar, usage, and writing instruction.
- Writing activities, as well as pair and group work, encourage communication.
- Grammar Tutorials help students understand and review grammar rules and explanations.

Academic Content Connections
The content sections—English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, Pathways—prepare students for academic and career success.

Engage with Language Arts
- A variety of text genres help develop reading skills.
- Students are introduced to various careers as they meet people who work in the different fields of study.

Engage with Science
- Science content and skills align with grade‑level NGSS standards.
- Students can listen to audio recordings of the content-area texts.

Engage with Social Studies
- Social studies content and skills align with the National Council for the Social Studies Ten Themes.
- Students can listen to audio recordings of the content-area texts.

Engage with Mathematics
- Math content and skills align with grade-level standards.
- Students can listen to audio recordings of the content-area texts.

Engage with Pathways
- This section focuses on career clusters and related pathways.
- Pathways help students discover their interests and choose the educational path that can lead to success in high school, college, and career.
- Students can listen to audio recordings of the content-area texts.
Engage with Writing
- In this section, students learn and practice essential tools for writing.
- The Writing Prompt is a culminating task that integrates skills to demonstrate understanding.
- A student model introduces students to a variety of writing styles.
- Process writing steps guide students to complete and present writing assignments.

Reflect on the Unit
- Students revisit the Essential Question at the end of the unit and apply their knowledge in a discussion.
- Suggestions are provided for independent reading and viewing related to the unit theme.

Teacher Resources
Teacher’s Edition
The interactive learning opportunities, scaffolding, and support in Engage allow teachers to successfully prepare all students for college and career readiness while addressing the unique academic challenges faced by striving readers and culturally and linguistically diverse learners.