The Immagina Film Collection

Real-World Language through Authentic Short Films

The Immagina Film Collection features contemporary short films by Italian filmmakers and are central to each lesson. These films offer entertaining and thought-provoking opportunities for students to build listening comprehension skills, review and recycle vocabulary, preview and contextualize grammar. Learners also become more culturally aware and sensitive to the language nuances, customs, and practices of Italian speakers. As students engage with these dramatic short films, they develop a deeper understanding and retention of the language.

These short films also feature new integrated quick-checks, ensuring students are active viewers while also checking their comprehension. Two new authentic short films have been added to this edition: La foto perfetta (Lesson 1) and I Futurieri (Lesson 9).

Meaningful Interactions and Communicative Exchanges

Through a wide array of practical and creative tasks, Immagina seeks to equip learners with the skills and confidence to communicate effectively in real-world situations. Diverse formats such as role-plays, interviews, and oral presentations promote authentic communicative exchanges in which students provide, obtain, and interpret information, as well as express emotions or opinions. Interactive Comunicazione, Sintesi, and Analisi activities allow students to synthesize grammatical, cultural, and thematic material to expand their communicative abilities. This interactive, communicative approach encourages learners to use the language in contextually relevant ways.

Preparation for Global Citizenship

Immagina stresses cultural competency and the ability to make connections as invaluable components of language learning. The Cortometraggio, Immagina, Cultura, and Letteratura sections all provide students with the opportunity to acquire information, expand cultural knowledge, and recognize distinctive viewpoints. Through connections with multiple disciplines such as film, literature, and art, students are exposed to various cultural practices and perspectives of Italian speakers. This wide variety of cultural information helps students understand the complexities of different societies. It also helps prepare them to be global citizens who know how to interact competently and respectfully with people from diverse backgrounds.

Italian Language in Real-Life Context

Every lesson of Immagina is designed to engage students in the thematic, cultural, and grammatical concepts in that lesson. They gain practical skills and knowledge that they can apply in real-life situations.

  • Per cominciare presents vocabulary in easy-to-study thematic lists with illustrations and dynamic photos. In the activities that follow, students practice new and recycled vocabulary in diverse formats and engaging contexts.
  • Strutture offers key intermediate grammar topics with detailed visual support and examples from the lesson’s short film. Grammar explanations are written in clear, concise language for easy reference in and outside of class.
  • Laboratorio di scrittura synthesizes every lesson with a writing assignment. Writing strategies are combined with topics about the lesson’s theme, film, and readings to strengthen students’ writing skills and develop their ability to draft clear, logical essays.
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