What’s New

New Panorama culturel videos

Panorama culturel videos with quick check activities in Savoir-faire support written paragraphs. By reading, seeing, and hearing more cultural facts, students can reflect on how other cultures compare and contrast with their own, enhancing their cultural competence.

New Video Virtual Chats

53 brand-new video virtual chat activities help students develop their listening and speaking skills while building confidence as they engage in conversations with native speakers in the target language. Using video prompts, students benefit from nonverbal and articulatory cues that are essential for real-life interactions.

New pronunciation and spelling tutorials with speech recognition

Pronunciation and spelling are critical to students’ success in language acquisition and new pronunciation tutorials with speech recognition build confidence in word-use. With VHL’s embedded speech recognition activities, students have an opportunity to reflect on their language patterns and increase their awareness of pronunciation through low-stakes production practice.

New Vocabulary Tutorials

Students typically approach content from multiple sources according to their needs and learning style. Our vocabulary tutorials show and speak all active vocabulary terms from the lesson, accompanied by photos. Students can revisit and use these tutorials as flashcards for review, giving them multiple tools to learn and internalize their own active vocabulary.
Le Zapping page

New Le Zapping videos and short film

The program includes the distinctive and cohesive integration of video: including authentic, commercial TV clips and short films. NEW to the Fourth Edition are six Le Zapping videos and one short film.

New communicative goals and Can-Do Statements

By connecting the communicative goals and Can-Do Statements in almost every section in each lesson, students have the opportunity to check their understanding of the lesson’s communicative goals and identify any areas where they need further review and practice.
Chart for communicative goals

For a detailed look at the program, access to a digital library of documents, and materials for instructional review, request your Virtual Sample now.

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