Authentic Media for Deeper Cultural Engagement
Le Zapping features authentic video clips in French—commercials, news reports, short films—that are supported by background information, feature vocabulary related to the unit theme, and are accompanied by pre- and post-viewing activities that offer practice in interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication.
Three videos have been added to the fifth edition to provide further opportunities for student engagement and intercultural reflection.
Master Grammar with a Structured Practice Approach
The grammar instruction in Promenades uses a graphic-intensive format to present French grammar, dedicating two full pages to most grammar points for thorough and intuitive coverage. Le français vivant pages offer context through print ads related to the lesson’s theme, while photos from the Roman-photo episodes connect the grammar explanations to the video content.
The unique four-part practice sequence begins with form-focused Essayez! activities, moves to meaningful and directed Mise en pratique exercises, engages students with interactive Communication activities, and concludes with open-ended Synthèse tasks.
This structured approach not only enhances comprehension and retention, but also builds confidence by reinforcing grammar concepts through varied, real-life contexts.
![Promenades, page 84](assets/features-gallery-slide-2-page-1.BITYG13o_25bsmU.webp)
![Promenades, page 85](assets/features-gallery-slide-2-page-2.CwUMnSwT_lmHz6.webp)
![Promenades, page 86](assets/features-gallery-slide-2-page-3.CSLc2-Ag_1f5kml.webp)
![Promenades, page 87](assets/features-gallery-slide-2-page-4.G7Wp7aqp_2wEymz.webp)
![Promenades, page 88](assets/features-gallery-slide-2-page-5.D1loKKFw_ZR3prV.webp)
Explore Culture Through Diverse Readings
The Lecture culturelle section offers an in-depth look at cultural themes from Contextes and Roman-photo. Culture à la loupe features main readings with full-color photos and Stratégie boxes to enhance reading skills.
Le monde francophone highlights the diverse people, places, and traditions of the French-speaking world, supported by charts full of interesting statistics and facts. Portrait profiles key figures and events, showcasing their contributions to the global community, while Musique à fond profiles French-speaking musicians.
This multifaceted approach to reading deepens cultural understanding, supports language development, and broadens students’ global perspectives.
![Promenades, page 106](assets/features-gallery-slide-3-page-1.OhOdItru_ZPcfJu.webp)
![Promenades, page 107](assets/features-gallery-slide-3-page-2.Dx88S23B_1usfEy.webp)
Interact Creatively with Vocabulary in Real-Life Tasks
In Promenades, vocabulary and grammar are contextualized within real-life situations across each lesson.
The Contextes section introduces high-frequency vocabulary through illustrations and meaningful practice activities, including listening exercises and real-life skills like polls and games.
Mise en pratique ensures vocabulary is applied effectively, while Vocabulaire boxes provide essential French-English lists for easy reference.
Communication activities promote creative use of vocabulary in various formats, supported by Coup de main for on-the-spot assistance.
This structured approach, moving from recognition to guided practice, builds confidence and enhances students' understanding of and authenticity in French.
![Promenades, page 82](assets/features-gallery-slide-4-page-1.DMfepDpM_E31mz.webp)
![Promenades, page 83](assets/features-gallery-slide-4-page-2.B0FR-pGj_u6utQ.webp)
![Promenades, page 84](assets/features-gallery-slide-4-page-3.BegrqNdC_ZCfHnx.webp)
Empower Students with Clear Communicative Goals
Communicative Goals and Can-Do statements help students self-assess their understanding of the lesson’s goals, review the goals they have achieved, and identify areas needing further review and practice.
These objectives and statements promote authentic communicative exchanges in which students provide, obtain, and interpret information, as well as express emotions and opinions.
![Promenades, pages 89](assets/features-gallery-slide-5-page-1.Cd2pMc_Q_1EPsl5.webp)
Integrate and Apply Knowledge with a Comprehensive Lesson Review
The Synthèse section ties together the lesson with cumulative Révision activities that integrate current and past grammar points, providing ongoing review. Écriture offers strategies and tips for effective writing tasks, while partner and group chats, role-plays, and information gap activities enhance interactive practice.
This wrap-up consolidates key concepts, reinforces language skills, and supports a deeper understanding of the material.
![Promenades, page 116](assets/features-gallery-slide-6-page-1.k6dQdW-S_Z29wVdU.webp)
![Promenades, page 117](assets/features-gallery-slide-6-page-2.BjXURrTL_c3C6D.webp)
![Cover of Promenades](assets/promenades-cover.DuEk_c75_Z1mAbEK.webp)