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Beginning Spanish

A cross-cultural approach that help students understand different perspectives

Ver para creer video segment

Understanding Culture and Perspectives in a Fun and Engaging Way

The Ver para creer video program is hosted by an American student who shares her perspective on a real-life cultural experience in the target language. Ver para creer introduces the chapter and the geographic area studied, and presents the chapter’s culture, themes, vocabulary, and grammar. It demonstrates the structure goals of the chapter and models the task that students should be able to produce at the end.

Class-Tested and Based on Research in Second Language Acquisition

Vocabulary and grammar are presented through meaningful, comprehensible stories and vignettes with structured input-to-output and constant recycling. Learning strategies and tasks are presented throughout the chapter, ending with a final culminating project truly relevant and engaging for the students.

Vocabulary and Grammar activities
Pages 158-159

Tarea final: Culminating Project

Tarea final is a culminating task that integrates the cultural and language content covered throughout the chapter. These goal-oriented tasks promote authentic language use and provide students with an opportunity to apply the language with a sense of accomplishment.

Culture, Perspectives, and Cross-Cultural Approach

Students have multiple opportunities for cross-cultural comparisons that allow them to practice real-life skills.

  • Chapters open with the Ver para creer video and questions that activate background knowledge and introduce the chapter theme in the context of the experiences of real people. These videos highlight cross-cultural comparisons following the approach of the book.
  • Otra perspectiva through the eyes of a visitor to the U.S., students find out how people from other countries perceive this country’s practices and beliefs. Explicale a… compels students to reflect on their own culture.
  • La pura verdad comic-style vignettes introduce new vocabulary, linguistic structures, and culture in the context of real-life stories.
  • Una perspectiva through the eyes of someone from the U.S. living in the featured country, students observe cultural differences first-hand, and reflect on their own culture in the section ¿Qué piensas tú?
Pages 52-53

News and Cultural Updates

These monthly links with scaffolded activities for students are available on the Supersite. They provide real-world connection to language and culture via carefully curated articles and videos from across the Spanish-speaking world. Instructors can enhance their classroom with authentic and culturally relevant resources focusing on the three modes of communication (interpretative, interpersonal, and presentational).