Cartagen, Colombia

Help your students find their voice in Spanish

Built to help students become confident Spanish speakers

Revista is designed to focus on all modes of communication, and to support students as they become more comfortable with speaking Spanish.


Award-winning and engaging short films by contemporary Hispanic filmmakers were specifically chosen to generate controversy and spark your imagination. After all, people express themselves most genuinely when they feel strongly about something.


Authentic readings are presented in the attention-grabbing visual style you would expect from a magazine, with a wealth of selections in varied genres serving as a springboard for conversation.

Composición y Tertulia

A structured writing task allows students to synthesize the vocabulary and grammar of the lesson while using critical-thinking skills. A final Tertulia activity assembles you and your classmates for debate and discussion.


Video stills from the lesson’s short film are incorporated into the grammar explanations so that students can see the grammar point in meaningful and relevant contexts. Online activities check comprehension and prompt students to make broader observations and connections with the language.

Tira cómica

The newly revised Tira cómica section activates background knowledge before diving into a discussion of the comic strip using all three modes of communication.