What's New
NEW Assessment Builder now with Question Bank and Randomization
With new features and improved functionality, the Assessment Builder makes it possible for instructors to achieve their unique course objectives. This updated tool allows instructors to leverage existing tests and exams from any chapter to create new, customized assessments. With the fully randomizable assessment program, each student can receive the same test organized differently, ensuring a higher degree of academic integrity.

NEW Individual Video Recording Activities to Get Students Talking
Individual Recording Activities allow single students to record a video production exercise, providing instructors with more flexibility in creating and assigning activities to individuals within their classes. They provide students with valuable opportunities to practice asynchronous presentational speaking in the target language outside of a live class setting. Students gain valuable experience that will prepare them to talk with others including native speakers in their everyday lives. These online-only activities are within the Weiter geht’s section of each unit, and they are accompanied by rubric grading.

Make Learning Memorable with Projekt
These multi-step Projekt at the end of each chapter on the Supersite enable students to apply their language skills in collaborative, critical-thinking tasks. They must negotiate within groups and present their work, fostering lifelong learning through investigation, reflection, editing, and presentation. Projekt can be assigned in pairs or groups, but also individually. They include editable online rubrics that can be shared with students.

Foster Intercultural Competency with News and Cultural Updates
Experience the authentic, up-to-date cultural content in Sag mal’s News & Cultural Updates, monthly links available on the Supersite and accompanied by leveled activities that are assignable online. These activities are carefully scaffolded for different proficiency levels, and new content is added monthly from September to May to ensure ongoing relevance and engagement.