Seventh Edition Enagge with literature and content.


Students begin each lesson with an annotated reading, immersing themselves in the captivating works of esteemed Latin American and Spanish writers. These comprehensible and compelling readings, featuring different genres in each lesson, serve as a springboard for discussion and compositional analysis, and introduce examples of grammar that will be presented in the upcoming Estructuras section.

Engaging Post-Reading Activities

Through subsequent activities, students are encouraged to engage in a multifaceted exploration of the reading. This analytical process allows for better comprehension, facilitates an examination of the composition style, and fosters critical thinking skills. These activities lay the foundation for a richer and more nuanced understanding of the featured genre and prepare students for the Taller de escritura section later in the lesson.

Taller de lengua

Vocabulary, grammar, and spelling workshops provide the tools students need to increase vocabulary, consolidate and expand their knowledge of grammar and usage, and master spelling and punctuation.

  • Léxico encourages students to develop precision and variety in their vocabulary and increases their awareness of lexical difficulties.
  • Estructuras focuses on the usage and function of grammar and is geared toward improving writing skills.
  • Ortografía y puntuación helps students master the rules for accents, capitalization, and punctuation, focusing on differences in usage between Spanish and English.

Taller de escritura

The heart of Taller de escritura lies within the dynamic Taller de escritura workshops. Three different writing workshops in each chapter provide students with the framework they need to be successful writers. Suggestions guide students through the process of organizing ideas, writing a draft, editing, and producing a final version. This valuable process-oriented approach helps students learn that writing involves critical thinking, exploration, and creativity, leading them to become more effective and confident writers.

Argumentative writing

A focus on argumentative writing is integrated into every lesson at an accessible and progressively higher level. Students are guided to analyze information, construct logical reasoning, and present their ideas in a structured and compelling manner. These critical thinking and communication skills help prepare students for success in various facets of life beyond the classroom.


Student sample writings, Modelos, reinforce good reading and writing practices. The annotations allow students to analyze effective writing techniques, structure, organization, and language usage. This analytical thinking helps students develop a deeper understanding of the writing process and how to make deliberate choices to enhance their own work. One new Modelo has been added to the fourth edition.

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