What's new in the Fourth Edition
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What’s New?

NEW Readings

Taller de escritores, Fourth Edition, has been updated with two new authentic readings, providing a better balance of male and female writers, and covering more Spanish-speaking countries. Incorporating diverse reading selections helps create well-rounded individuals and promotes open-mindedness, critical thinking, and cultural competence.

Assignable Textbook Activities

All textbook activities, including the Antes de leer questions, have been updated and added to the Supersite, allowing instructors to assign them for either in-class or online practice. Offering a variety of assignment options recognizes the diverse needs and preferences of students and fosters a more inclusive and adaptable learning environment.

Updated Design

Compelling photos in the lesson openers help capture students’ interest and immediately engage them in the content. Illustrations in the new four-color design make details more distinctive so that students can complete the activities more efficiently.

El ensayo narrativo

NEW Evaluation Rubrics are online and editable!

Assessment is now easier with online rubric grading. For each composition, instructors can either use a pre-designed rubric or formulate their own. Online grading rubrics contribute to a more organized, transparent, and efficient assessment process that benefits both instructors and students by promoting fair evaluation, constructive feedback, and alignment with learning objectives.

Evaluation rubrics

NEW Online Video Chats

Partner and Group Video Chats activities facilitate communication outside the classroom and provide instructors with the flexibility to assign activities to student groups within their courses. Video Chat is a highly effective and dynamic tool for language practice outside of the classroom, as it simulates authentic communication and offers students practical experience using language in real-life contexts. Online Pair and Group Chats create a supportive learning community, where students help and encourage each other on their language-learning journey.

Screenshot of online video chats
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