Get Ready!

Get Ready!

Language, Literacy, Content

Empowering Newcomers and Beginner Multilingual Learners in Middle and High School

Get Reading!

Develop academic language and literacy

Get Ready! for middle and high school is a comprehensive program for newcomer and beginning-level proficiency students. Published in two volumes (for grades 6–8 and 9–12), the curriculum is built on specialized knowledge necessary for working with culturally and linguistically diverse learners, the assets they bring into the classroom, and the academic challenges they face.

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Why use Get Ready! in the classroom

Engaging Media

District English Learner Coach
and Summer Institute Instructor Team
Santa Fe Public Schools

Connect to Social Studies

Dr. Joshua Perdomo
Director of Multilingual Programs
CCSD 59, Elk Grove, IL

What to expect with Get Ready!

  • The newest, most comprehensive program for elementary newcomers and beginning proficiency learners
  • Builds proficiency in all language skill areas: vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, writing, and grammar
  • Concrete strategies for helping teachers meet the needs of ELs across the range of abilities within and across proficiency levels and language domains
  • Highly visual presentations and activities that helps students access grade-level content and prepares them for mainstream classes
  • Aligns with the following standards: WIDA, CA ELD, TX TEKS, CCSS (ELA and Math), NGSS (Science), and NCSS (Social Studies)


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What to expect from Get Ready!

Get Ready! is the newest, most comprehensive standards-based program developed specifically to address the unique needs of middle and high school Newcomer/Beginner English Learners. This multi-level program engages students with age-appropriate, motivating communicative presentations as well as literary and informal lessons in science, social studies, math, music, and the arts.